Should It Stay or Should It Go?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pleased to Meet Me

Hi there. I'm Brian, and starting a blog is the last thing I thought I'd be doing. I mean, I get to do plenty of writing: I'm a writer/editor by profession, and I'm also pursuing an MFA in writing,, means I get to do more writing after I work all day writing stuff. Then factor in e-mails, grocery lists, notes to the just didn't seem to me that I'd need another place to string words together. But then I got this idea for a project...

Wait. I'm getting ahead of myself.

Hi there. I'm Brian. I live in Brooklyn, NY, with my lovely wife, Eileen; my mischevious cat, Hubley; and my barely-under-control record collection. I work at an art college in Manhattan. There are more things about me, but those are the basics for right now.